Sea Turtle

Jessica Harvey's Expedition Notebook

Sea Turtle Overview


Sea turtles live for 50-100 years depending on the species.



There are 7 species of sea turtles including the green, hawksbill, Kemp’s ridley, leatherback, loggerhead, olive ridley and flatback turtle.


Sea turtles predominantly inhabit shallow coastal waters, bays, lagoons, and estuaries, serving as crucial habitats for adult individuals of various species.



Major threats to sea turtles include habitat loss, climate change, pollution, fishing gear entanglement, illegal trade, light pollution, and the impact of storms and hurricanes.


Sea Turtles are some of the most beloved species in our oceans and play an important role in our marine ecosystem. With seven recognized species, including the green, loggerhead, leatherback, hawksbill, Kemp’s ridley, olive ridley, and flatback turtles, their diversity is astounding.

Sadly, these remarkable creatures face significant threats, with six out of the seven species classified as endangered or critically endangered. Habitat loss, pollution, climate change, and entanglement in fishing gear all contribute to their struggle for survival. Illegal poaching and the destruction of nesting sites exacerbate the challenges they face.

Nevertheless, worldwide efforts to protect and conserve sea turtles are underway. Conservation organizations, scientists, and local communities are working tirelessly to safeguard nesting beaches, implement sustainable fishing practices, and raise awareness about the importance of these magnificent creatures.

Sea turtles play a vital role in maintaining marine ecosystems. Their herbivorous diets help maintain seagrass beds and coral reefs, while their migrations and nesting habits contribute to nutrient cycling. As ambassadors of the ocean, they captivate the hearts and minds of people around the globe.

By embracing sustainable practices, supporting conservation efforts, and promoting a deeper understanding of their ecological significance, we can secure a brighter future for sea turtles. Together, let’s ensure that these ancient mariners continue to grace our oceans for generations to come.

Taking Action To Protect Sea Turtles

Join the conservation effort and purchase a Guy Harvey x LOKAI Bracelet to support our education programs and help protect sea turtles!

The Guy Harvey Foundation has partnered with various organizations to develop a comprehensive curriculum for K-12 students.

How You Can Help

Reduce plastic consumption: Use reusable bags, bottles, and utensils to minimize plastic waste that can harm sea turtles.

Be conscious of nesting areas: If you live near a beach that serves as a sea turtle nesting site, avoid disturbing nests, and if you encounter a nesting sea turtle, keep a safe distance and refrain from using flashlights or taking flash photography.

Support beach cleanups: Participate in or organize beach cleanups to remove litter and debris that pose threats to sea turtles and other marine life.

Reduce light pollution: Sea turtle hatchlings use natural light cues to find their way to the ocean. Excessive artificial lighting can disorient them, leading them away from the sea.

Educate others: Raise awareness about sea turtle conservation and share information about their threats and how individuals can help protect them.

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